The Page of Coins. Also can be known as the Princess of coins. We see this card as feminine or a child like manner. This is about communication regarding money. Information coming to you in the form of a telephone call or by a whisper. Keep your heart and mind open to the spirit world. Listen with your heart. Understand that to create things into existence takes effort. You must be clear about your intent. You must be positive with your thoughts. You must think of it as already done. This card advises me that you will hear of this manifestation in progress. You will know that what you want is on its way by the way people and things are entering into your life. Kind of like a hunch. You get this weird feeling in your stomach that tells you something is coming. You don't know what it could be, but it will be something life changing. Now you must think of that life changing experience as something positive.
My past experiences have made me this wonderful, great, and beautiful person.
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