
Friday, March 15, 2013

The Nature of Today's Energy 3.15.13: #7 Into the Unknown

Friday 3.15.13:

The card that was picked today is #7: Into the Unknown.
I see a woman with a blind fold on. She is playing a game of Marco Polo, I think. She has a balcony behind her, symbolizing the great fall everyone has taken. The bird that is perched on the balcony is advising her heightened sense of hearing, that there is no way to go from here, but forward. She carries a talisman, like the one from a few days ago, and it pulls her into the unknown room ahead. What will she find?

There are times in our life that we wish we could be this woman. We wish to be free. The path we  have been traveling on can be discouraging. What we have to understand, is that being free comes with a price, placed upon our spirit. One has to put on the blindfold and trust that Source will lead us into the great unknown, and we shall find joy.

This card sits in the position of The Lizard.
Dreams plus Strength/Weakness.
The greatest strength we can muster up in this world, is to be the light in the unknown dark. To be the torch that burns within the scary cave. There will be times when we wish to return to what is known, but just keep on believing that everything works out in your favor.
Then again, what would be the weakness part to this card?
It would be the moment we believe that our Ego is right. When it states that we can not move forward. That there is only danger in the unknown.

What happens today, will happen tomorrow.
What happens tomorrow, will eventually happen in the past. What if the cards wish to be read in a circular pattern? One bleeding into the next. One friend helping the next. One card containing the answer to the sister card across from it?

Today is about that birthing period. The fall that Alice took when she decided to enter into the rabbit hole. With each decision you make, know that you are walking into the unknown. You can only predict what outcome will take place.
What outcome are you predicting will take place?
What decisions are you wanting to make?

Remember in earlier posts, that I advised you to make a move? Whether it is forward, backwards, or side to side. I have seen first hand that every decision is simply a step forward. I am at a place of happiness and at times taking that first step into the direction I wish to travel, is not what scares me. The thing that scares me is the fact that I doubted that decision, and direction, for so long, knowing full well that it would work out in my favor. To know that I have doubted Source for so long. Imagine if I would have listened to Source in the first place. Where would I be?
In the exact same spot I am at now.

Accept, that something in your life is covered up. One of your senses is not working at its very best. What happens?
You start to use your other senses to get where you need to go. You start to use your intuition that has been silenced all this time. The one still small voice that has yet to sing out "I AM!"

Blessed Be.

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