Friday 5.10.13:
Conflict can sometimes be brought on by the disagreement of a statement. By the disagreement of a Truth.
How the process should unfold, when really, the goal is what needs to be focused on.
Sometimes the leap of Faith is made with great intent.
The card of the day is the Five of Wands. The hidden energy card is the Hanged Man.
The thunder is roaring outside and lightening is flashing. I can relate this card to a storm. Two sides of a choice. One contains the truth and the other is not of truth. One choice is of light and the other is of dark.
The storm starts with a cloud.
A thought. A statement.
The cloud can produce more clouds or stay a single cloud (simply a thought).
When confusion or worry sets in, the cloud will grow. Grow into a great storm with rain, sleet, hail, and wind. The storm will demolish all that is within it's line of sight.
The storm is filled with confusion. The storm is great and powerful. The trees sway and bend. Some break and others stand their ground.
The land is soaked with intention. With power. How will this energy be used?
The conflict is the decision that needs to be made. The power is always there. The tools we need to create and manifest our dreams, are always present. It is the decision that causes the conflict. To go North. To go South.
To manifest good. To manifest that which is "the lack of". The decision can lead us down the path of destruction, rather than the path of greatness.
Have you ever noticed that the path of greatness, in some stories, is always filled with light.
What if the path of greatness was dark?
What if the path of greatness was grim and full of shadows?
We all must pass through a state of darkness.
That state of darkness is always there when a breakthrough is about to happen. I call it the "breaking through the sludge" stage. It is this very thin cloud of filth that builds up over time. When a Mystic is traveling around, and showing everyone their light, they can tend to take on a little of other people's mess. Their chaos.
A mystic can sometimes lead more with a state of compassion, than the thought of taking care of their own health.
The sludge builds up and when a Mystic starts to get tired of the rat race, of being awake, of checking into life everyday, then the Mystic will want to give up. This is when the great breakthrough is about to happen. I advise my friends and clients, that the Mystic must then muster up all the energy he has left over, and shine their brightest. The small film of sludge will eventually fall away or the Mystic will have enough Faith to put one arm out, break through the sludge, and move forward.
The path is made clear, the storm passes, and life moves on. The cycle begins again. Life begins again. Life moves forward. Are you ready for the unknown that stands before you?
Sometimes we have to have a little bit of Faith in what will take place. In the good that will happen, if we simply move past the dark, and into the light.
Blessed Be.
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