
Wednesday, July 20, 2011

The Nature of Today's Energy 7/20/11

  The Six of Coins. I am pairing this card with our Lesson Card, Judgement, and advising the reader that today will be about Giving and Receiving. Are you going to give today? Or are you going to be receiving? Really it is about the balance of the two. Always remember that the more you put out there...the more you will get back. If you think that you will not get anything in return, then you will not get anything in return. Always remember to give without the intent of receiving. Always remember that when you lend someone money, understand that it will be paid back in other ways. If you see the money you lend out as a debt. Then you will attract debt into your life. I know what you are saying...."But how am going to buy such and such?" or "What if I need it at a certain time and they may or may not pay it back?" I understand your concern. But let us look at it this way. When you give and give and give with the hope that one day you will be given that back in return. You are expecting something to happen. I am always told by my friend, that expectations lead to disappointment. If you decide to give someone money, then give it to them. If you decide to give someone a cup of sugar, then give it to them. In time you will receive those items back ten fold. You just have to watch out for them. Remember that miracles happen every minute of the day. Heck! they happen every second of our lives. With every breathe we take, that is a miracle. Give without the expectation of receiving it back. Receive without the expectation of returning the favor.

  I embrace the change in my life and know that it will lead me to a positive experience.

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