
Sunday, June 24, 2012

What Great Things May Come.

To open our heart up to the light of Source.
To follow our path with no questions of how we will get to our destination.
This is how we must live our life.
We love with such greatness. We love without demand nor constant acknowledgment.
What we seek within this life is to be recognized by one self.
Look no further than your room. You are the wonderful person that Source has made.
Understand that Love is the act of compassion.
Give with no expectation.
Give with no return.
Love with no boundaries and soon all will reveal itself.
The card of today speaks of inner strength.
We all have it.
Now use it.
You can do whatever is set before you.
You have the knowledge and power to create with the Creator.
I am not afraid of what may come.
I know the only thing we worry about in our life is the first step.
That is where all our power is held. That first step puts us on our journey.
I walk with no fear in my heart. I walk with Faith and Light.
Understand that every step is within alignment of that wonderful Divine plan.
It is there. All you have to do is reach out for it and take that first step into Glory.

Blessed Be.

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