Saturday 8.17.13:
The card of the day is Five of Coins. The hidden energy card is The Fool. The card sits in the position of Mirror = truth revealed.
The mirror and the five of coins together are really stressing the fact that you can sometimes over look the answer, even though it is sitting right in front of you.
Sometimes we wish to ignore the answer because it will mean that we have to return to something we want to forget.
Or that we have left a certain place in order to move forward.
The answer is always right in front of you. You simply have to recognize it.
I will try my hardest to ignore the truth when I know it is something I do not want to do. I want to avoid it at the moment because I think that the experience will be bad.
In the Artist's Tarot, the five of coins, shows a woman turning away from her knowledge. She is turning away from Source. Usually a traditional card will show a person or people outside of a church. Either walking away or walking towards the entrance. They are seeking shelter from the snow.
Are you walking towards the sanctuary of Source or turning away from it?
Are you in fear of the Truth or will you relish in it?
The Truth can sometimes seem like it will cause pain. It can sometimes leave us dealing with the consequences of our action.
Are you afraid that you have done something wrong?
Look within. Look within the mirror of Love and Truth. You will see that by accepting and recognizing the Truth, it will bring only good. It is time to walk in the light.
It is okay for you to step into the shadow for a bit but eventually you will need to step into the Sun.
The path is being revealed to you. Will you take your first step or will you pause in fear of your new adventure?
Sometimes the light may seem just out of reach. You know the truth must be revealed but it is a few inches away from your existence. Maybe you must use the mirror in order to reflect the light towards you. In order to catch a ray of light and shine it on your path of life.
Blessed Be.
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